Leningrad Region State Archive in Vyborg (LOGAV)
F. Р-229 Pavlovsky
District Procurement Office of ";Lenoblplodovoshchtorg";.<br>
Town Pavlovsk, Leningrad Region.
F. Р-2658 Leningrad
Regional Office All-Union Association for the Procurement and Processing of
Export Raw Materials ";Soyuzzagotexport";.<br>
Leningrad town, Ruzovskaya st., 11.
F. Р-2688 4-th Leningrad City Procurement Department of the Leningrad Interregional Office of the Main Governance for Procurement, Processing and Sale of Secondary Ferrous Metals ("Glavvtorchermet"). Leningrad town, V.O., Birzhevoy passage 6.
F. Р-3397 Authorized
Representatives Governancies of the USSR Procurement Ministry for the
Leningrad Region and Districts (Upolminzag).
F. Р-3578 Leningrad
Regional Office for the Procurement of Furs (";Lenzagotpushnina";) of
the All-Union Fur Association (";Soyuzpushnina";).<br>
Leningrad town, 25 Oktyabrya pr. 7/ 9.