Leningrad Region State Archive in Vyborg (LOGAV)
F. Р-4601 Svir'
District State Hydroelectric Power Plants Construction Governance
";Svir'stroy"; of the Glavgidroenergostroy of the USSR Heavy Industry
People's Commissariat. Leningrad town, Khalturina st., 2.
F. Р-4602 Directorate
of the Svir' Hydroelectric Station Under Construction No. 2 of the Hydropower
Construction Main Governance of the USSR Power Plants People's Commissariat.
- 1941.
F. Р-4603 Nizhne-Svirskaya
Hydroelectric Station (Svir' No. 3) Construction Governance of the Hydropower
Construction Main Governance of the USSR Power Plants People's Commissariat.
1930 - 1941
F. Р-4604 Construction
and Installation Trust Governance of the Svir' State Hydroelectric Station
";Svir'stroy"; of the Hydropower Construction Main Governance of the
USSR Power Plants People's Commissariat. Leningrad town.<br>
1938 - 1941
F. Р-4605 Workers
supply department of the Svir’ River Lock and Hydroelectric Power Plants
Installation ";Svir'stroy";
Governance Authorized Person of the Workers Supply Main Governance (GLAVURS)
of USSR Heavy Industry People's Commissariat
for Leningrad Region.<br>
[1935 - 1936]